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Fermetures temporaires de voies pour une course sur route de 5 km

The City of Sevierville announces the temporary closing of sections of the following roads to accommodate a 5k road race for the SCHS DECA Club on Monday, May 25, 2015.


  • Old Newport Highway: eastbound lane between the east and west intersections with Dolly Parton Parkway (east and west of Sevier County High School).
  • Dolly Parton Parkway: right westbound lane between the east and west intersections with Old Newport Highway (east and west of Sevier County High School).

Les fermetures de voies ci-dessus commenceront vers 7 heures du matin et se termineront vers 9 heures du matin. La circulation sera maintenue sur toutes les routes, mais des retards à court terme pourraient survenir.


Bob Stahlke, agent d'information publique

300, boulevard Gary Wade.
Sevierville, Tennessee 37864-5500
Téléphone: 865.453.5506