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Sevierville Releases 2017 National Citizen Survey Results

Publié le 6 juin 2017

The City of Sevierville has received the results of the National Citizen Survey conducted earlier in 2017.  The City received very high ratings for safety of the city, including police and fire services and several Public Works functions, such as garbage collection and sidewalk maintenance.

Most respondents expressed experiencing a good quality of life in Sevierville and believe Sevierville is a good place to live.  The overall quality of life in Sevierville was rated as 'excellent' or 'good' by 87% of respondents.  89% of respondents would recommend Sevierville as a place to live to others.

According to the survey, Sevierville residents are optimistic about the economy, want Sevierville to invest in its future, and feel that safety is a priority for the community.  Individual facets that received higher ratings in this survey as compared to 2015 include new development in Sevierville, a vibrant downtown area, and employment opportunities.  Affordable quality housing received a lower rating than previous surveys, which is reflective of a nation-wide trend and a particular local issue challenge following the recent wildfires.

When asked to prioritize various needs and projects over the next five years, items receiving the highest ranking include reducing the City's debt, maintaining and improving City streets, and the integration of traffic flow with other cities.  The City strives to allocate long-term capital funding according to needs and priorities identified throughout the community.

The National Citizen Survey is conducted every two years on behalf of the City by National Research Center, Inc.  (NRC), in partnership with the International City/County Management Association.  NRC compared Sevierville's survey results to those of over 350 other local governments nationwide to provide relevant comparison benchmarking figures.

Those interested in reading the full report of the survey findings can find more information posted on the City's Public Information page.


Bob Stahlke, agent d'information publique

300, boulevard Gary Wade.
Sevierville, Tennessee 37864-5500
Téléphone: 865.453.5506